Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Introduction to ME

I am a 31 year old father of five, (three boys and two girls). I am married to a wonderful woman of nine years. I work as a delivery driver for a local wholesaler.

This Blog is planned to be a random record of various memories as I think of them with life lessons as they appear.

Now for some good stuff!

I was born in Oxfordshire Oxford England. My father was stationed at an Air Force base there. I have no memories of my long three years in England . I have lived in Louisiana, Utah (Hill Air Force Base), California, Nevada, (more to come on NV later), and currently reside in Ohio.


  1. Goodness sakes 31?? I forgot how OLD you are!! hehehe just kidding!!

  2. Thanks ChristinaB..... But it's coming for you to!!!!!!
